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Google Classrom 

Google Classroom is a platform used to connect teachers with students in an online format. It allows for teachers to give assesments, monitor assignments, ask questions, post announcements and much more!


The beauty of Classroom for the teacher is the product is incomplete. Google wants our feedback and wants to tailor the product to our needs. As you come up with ideas be sure to leave feedback by clicking the question mark at the bottom of left of your Classroom screen and send in your ideas!


Find out what's new in Google Classroom here


For answers to commonly asked questions check out the Classroom Help page. 


New changes to Classroom

Create a Classroom

Creating a Google Classroom

Creating a Google Classroom

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Join a Classroom

Join a Google Classroom

Join a Google Classroom

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Video coming soon!

Grading Work

Video coming soon!


Video coming soon!

Student Perspective

Video coming soon!

Revision History 

 Clovis High Connection Proudly created with

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